
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Mcdonald,

I hope that when this letter reaches you, you are in good spirits. I miss you all so much! My Fridays just aren’t the same without seeing your smiling faces. I am doing well here. The Chaplain put in a good word for me so I am working here at the Lane Murray in the chapel as well. I have had the opportunity to meet so many new people who are working for the Lord. But I never stop thinking about y’all and I even never stop praying for you all. More than anything I just wanted to write you to tell you that you have really made an impact in my life. I want to thank you for all you do for God’s kingdom. I hope to hear from you. Please give my love to the girls and also to the Chaplain. My job there has forever changed my life . I want to thank you for all you have done for God‘s kingdom I hope to hear from you soon. Please give my love to the girls and also to the Chaplain. My job there has forever changed my life. And I can’t ever find the words to express how grateful I am.

Your sister in Christ Marinda

Jeff and Delores,

I was recently able to attend a service you provided for us at plane state. I had been fighting so hard with myself to go to church and to get back into my bible, well I was relieved when I went. I cried and cried my heart had been so heavy. I felt much better when I left. Well they called church again the nest day, and I went again. That very night they told me to pack my bags, I pulled chain to Lockhart. It was a great unit that I have yet to experience because I landed myself in great trouble after arriving on the unit. I am really struggling because I feel like every time God blesses
me I do something cancel It out.

I really want to change my life, and I am kid of embarrassed. I don’t want to be the cliche the “turns to God when I am in trouble”, but I know He will be there for me. The think is though I don’t want to stray back away once everything I good. Im desperate, I am brokenhearted. I need help and most of all I need prayers. Please pray for me. To sooth my heart for guidance. I enjoy reading my bible. I just get so overwhelmed when I comes to deciding where to start, and I loose focus so easy. Thank you for listening.

with love, Amanda

Dear Mr. and Mrs. McDonald,

I recently heard y’all’s testimony here at Plane State. Thank you for taking the time and sharing y’all’s story and helping me grow spiritually. I was raised in the church attending every Sunday and Wednesday. My gramma taught me everything I know. After losing her and several close friends, I lost sight of what is most important. God blessed me with five beautiful children and loving husband. This time here is extremely hard because Ive never been away from them. I believe God placed me here for a reason. I was wondering if y’all could pray for my family and I. When I go home I want my babies to know Jesus and I want my husband to believe again. I want our family to go to church and know Jesus. I know now that with out him things will always be chaos. I learned , the lord himself will fight for me. I just have to be still ” (Exodus 14:14) This is my first and only time here. I know that God has a plan for me. Ive been granted parole. Please pray God gives me the tools I nee to make my family Christ likened full of faith that we won’t ever let the devil in again.

Thank you so much for all y’all do! You prayers would be greatly appreciated. May the lord continue to bless your family.

Sincerely “KW”

I first like to take the time to say thank you both for taking the time out of y’all’s life to. come and minister to us ladies yesterday. God’s word is so needed to be heard. What a beautiful couple y’all are. He sure knew what He was doing bringing the two of you together. What a joy! I can’t wait for His timing. to bring my Boaz in my life and He joins us together in our marriage for His mission in our life. Amen.


Dear Mr & Mrs Jeff McDonald,

To my brother and sister in Christ, I so wanted to thank you both for coming to plane State to visit with me as well as the other ladies. God bless you both, your work here on earth is so important. Sharing and the Word and Gods love, is the greatest emotion I’ve ever felt, one thing I am so thankful for is his son, our blessed Jesus. I look forward to seeing and visiting with the both of you again, not only here behind the walls, but on the outside as well. Thank you again for your visit and prayers, but most of all what you to stand for. The love of Christ Jesus our Lord

Truly grateful your sister in Christ In Christ


Dear Mr & Mrs Jeff McDonald,

Hi, my name is Jenn. Last week, Here at Plain State it was my birthday and yall sang to me. I am also the one who always talks to you on Fridays outside of the building when you come to help the Chaplain and was recently baptized!!  I want to thank you for all that you do! You are a blessing to me especially last Saturday 7/28/18, it will be a birthday I will never forget. I had planned on sleeping through the entire day because last year was a memory I can’t erace. My best best best friend was in an accident and I had toe call his family in  Lubbock and give them the news he wasn’t going to make it, and he didn’t.

I cried tears of joy, thankfulness and most of all that I’m a child of God. I am also very greatful to God that of any of the church services you and your husband and spring Fellowship were here to make my 40th birthday worth remembering! I felt the presence of God in that chapel unlike any of the 9 months of service. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all you do. That is one birthday that no amount of drugs or alchol, etc can ever compete with. I broke chains, I cried to God on my knees (which generally shocked me, because I am shy). I went back to my dorm feeling free as you can be. I will always praise God. God bless you and again thank you very much. Many prayers and much respect.


Dear Mr & Mrs Jeff McDonald,

Hello my name is Stephanie I was in your Church Service at the Henley Unit, I really enjoyed it and got a lot from it. You baptized me here on March 6th. I was lost for a long time into my drug addiction. I am so glad that I went to jail back in October cause I could not tell you if I would be alive today.Just please keep me in your prayer and look forward to seeing you again before I leave in November. God Bless.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. McDonald

I would like to let the both of you know that I love y’all and appreciate everything that y’all have done for me. Y’all have been a blessing to me. Y’all have helped me see things in life so differently, (Through Gods eyes) and now mine. I’ll never forget this. I thank God for the two of Y’all every night. Thank you fro helping me to change my life for the better.


Dear Jeff & Dolores McDonald :          

My name is Garland Hunt , and I am delighted to serve alongside you as Prison Fellowship’s president . I  see how imperative and important volunteers like you are to this ministry.  We at Prison Fellowship believe our volunteers are servants of the Most High. Paul said in Philippians 1:3,”Every time I think of you, I thank God!” Like Paul,we give thanks  often for  you, and the many ways you make yourself available to our Father in ministering to those previously held captive by the enemy. Prison can be a place of separation , darkness , and acute loneliness . But when people who know the joy of a relationship with the Father extend the light and love of Christ into the spiritual void behind prison walls,then others have the chance to receive the most incredible gift of all . . . The gift of eternal life in Christ .  Jeffrey & Dolores, you are part of God’s work  and His desire to bring home to Him the least and the lost among us . To have a part in this labor of love is to know inexpressible joy and hope ! We count ourselves fortunate indeed to partner with you in sharing the Good News of the Gospel with prisoners,ex-prisoners , and their families . Thank You, my friends and fellow servants, for your faithful service to men and women in prison. May the Lord richly bless you as a loving conveyer of His salvation, for we know that “…God is able to make all grace abound in every good work.” (2Cor. 9:8).   May your  good  works continue to abound!  “At His  feet”

 Garland  R.  Hunt  President                                                                                                 

Restoring Ministry: The McDonald’s:

First I wanted to thank my Heavenly Father and give him all the praise and honor. I got your letter today and it touched my heart. Because I see how strong you all are, to keep going in life after losing a loved one. I have experienced two deaths in my family. I lost two Grandfathers since I have been in prison. Storms are part of this life. God spoke to me one day and He told me that everything He does is for His Glory. Satan wants to use the storms of life to blow us away. God wants to use them to help us grow stronger. There is coming a day when “God will wipe away every tear” from eyes of every one of his children (Revelation 21:4). On That Day,”There shall be no more death ,nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away”.” That’s is enough to shout “Hallelujah !!”. We live in a fallen world. Were not perfect and life is not perfect. Storms correct our behavior or they are their to help perfect our faith. Paul had a thorn in his flesh , and through it all God made him stronger. My grace is Sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.(2 Corinthians 12:9). Paul’s behavior wasn’t sinful,and his faith wasn’t weak. God allowed Paul to have this problem simply so he could come to know the power of God in a deeper way. Paul began to rest in Gods Grace his witness for Christ began to grow. I like Paul because he was faithful. God is with your family and I will keep you all in my prayers. I have been blessed by the Lord. My boyfriend Ken got his job back. I have been fasting and praying for God to open up the doors for him, because it is hard to make it out there without a job. His old job called him back. I was so happy when he wrote me and told me that. God is good and faithful. Thank You for praying for me everyday. I’m also thankful for your encouraging Word. Take Care God Bless You and Your Family.

Sincerely Krystal.

Restoring Ministry; McDonald’s :      

Hi Dolores God Bless you. You are an amazing woman, I love every time I see your Ministry, you have a glow of God, and you remind me of who God wants me to be. I was going to write you the day I got Baptized to tell you how much of a blessing it was to have your husband baptize me, I was so thankful God allowed your husband to Baptize me. What a Blessing . I had been so depressed, all I was doing was doing was sleeping and that is not like me. I love the Lord and you reminded me, to get on fire for God, thank you, got out of bed today and God gave me a feeling it would be a good service today, when I saw the joy on your face God reminded me of every thing I want in life, that I have let fade away. I want you to help me get into the same thing you do. I want to make people feel the way you make me feel. I know I have been through so much, and God can use me to help someone else change their life. So God has put it on my heart. You are so beautiful, God shines right through you and has poured out on me. Thank you at service today you said (Psalms 27) you were reading I wanted to jump out of my chair and help you because you told me to read that every day I do.  (Psalms 27:10) Even if my Father and Mother abandon me God will hold me close.    

Love Alishia !

Restoring Ministry; The McDonalds             

I am writing you this letter because I still remember. I remember how the Lord used your Ministry in my life. Pastor McDonald’s baptized me in Plane State in 2011. Ever since then I was never the same. I just want you all to know that I have an FI-3 . I go home in 90 days after I finish changes .The Lord has opened the doors for me. Upon my release I am going need to find a good church to go to. Please pray for me,also my family and their salvation.    

Thank You Krystal